Tracking graffiti taggers and associating them with vandalism can often be a challenging proposal. Having said this, it is not impossible through graffiti tag identification strategies.

Graffiti vandals typically use one tag, they write in one style, and have characteristics unique to them. With this in mind, by being able to identify graffiti and tags we are able to extract a great deal of information on the vandals. For example, reading a tag and being able to identify the unique characteristics we can match it with other graffiti tags. With attention to this, we can determine a few things. Firstly, what the tag is. Secondly, how active a graffiti vandal is. And thirdly, who he tags. And finally, patterns of where and when he writes graffiti most often.
Graffiti Tag Identification through Technology and Software
We are experts in graffiti identification. We read graffiti, we understand graffiti and we use software to match graffiti tags. Particularly important, we are able to collect and extract valuable info from matching tags. This data collection enables efficient pattern sourcing, aiding in investigation, apprehension and prosecution over multiple offences.
Municipal police and RCMP rely on graffiti style comparison in their investigation, apprehension and prosecution of graffiti vandals. It is often key in constructing prosecution and building cases on prolific offenders. We are specialists in this and apply this into our graffiti collection protocol for each tag or vandalism we record through our capture software.
Contact us for more information on graffiti style comparison or go to our store for details and pricing (Guardian Store).
[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Graffiti Style Comparison
Tracking graffiti taggers and associating them with vandalism can often be a challenging proposal. Having said this, it is not impossible through graffiti tag identification strategies.

Graffiti vandals typically use one tag, they write in one style, and have characteristics unique to them. With this in mind, by being able to identify graffiti and tags we are able to extract a great deal of information on the vandals. For example, reading a tag and being able to identify the unique characteristics we can match it with other graffiti tags. With attention to this, we can determine a few things. Firstly, what the tag is. Secondly, how active a graffiti vandal is. And thirdly, who he tags. And finally, patterns of where and when he writes graffiti most often.
Graffiti Tag Identification through Technology and Software
We are experts in graffiti identification. We read graffiti, we understand graffiti and we use software to match graffiti tags. Particularly important, we are able to collect and extract valuable info from matching tags. This data collection enables efficient pattern sourcing, aiding in investigation, apprehension and prosecution over multiple offences.
Municipal police and RCMP rely on graffiti style comparison in their investigation, apprehension and prosecution of graffiti vandals. It is often key in constructing prosecution and building cases on prolific offenders. We are specialists in this and apply this into our graffiti collection protocol for each tag or vandalism we record through our capture software.
Contact us for more information on graffiti style comparison or go to our store for details and pricing (Guardian Store).