Covid Graffiti

Covid Graffiti The relationship between Covid 19 and the massive increase graffiti during this time has been shocking to say the least. Although the immediate crisis of Covid may be over, the aftermath certainly is not. Illegal graffiti is one these areas that still...

Graffiti and Communities

Graffiti and Communities Graffiti and communities are becoming  increasingly more and more synonymous with each other. We are becoming more and more aware of the influence of graffiti in communities on social well being and community engagement in modern cities....

Dangers of Graffiti

Dangers of Graffiti: Youth Aside from the legal dangers that potentially face graffiti writers, there are many other elements that present danger to taggers. Graffiti is a high risk activity and those involved in the practice of graffiti subject themselves to the...

Graffiti and Criminal Activity

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire While graffiti remains an underground and illegal practice, it appeals to those with high risk behaviour traits. Because of this, association with others sharing these tendencies presents compelling opportunities....

Art or Graffiti

Graffiti and its relationship with communities often sparks debate in it’s place of definition between art or vandalism. Classifying graffiti as art or vandalism can become a subjective discussion that often falls into the realm of opinion based on an individual’s...

Graffiti Basics

Graffiti Basics The Broken Window Theory is a study illustrates the way in which visual elements impact the behavior of communities. This study, conducted in 1982, determined that visual elements that indicate neglect in care for an environment promotes further...

Preventing Graffiti

To deter illegal graffiti there are a number of strategies that property owners, communities and cities can employ. There are opportunities to promote deterrence through environmental design and CPTED principles.Through building design, foliage placement, and...

Graffiti Prevention: Risk vs Reward

Graffiti Prevention: Fact or Fiction? Graffiti plagues most cities and communities. True. Graffiti costs most cities millions of dollars every year. True. There is no way to prevent graffiti. Many people believe this. But it is not true. In its essence, graffiti is...